Midlothian Independent School District


Academic Planning

Midlothian ISD offers a variety of options to prepare students for meaningful post-secondary endeavors and career pathways, including college, technical school, military service, full-time employment, and other areas. The programs offered allow a student to choose the high school program best for him/her, whether that program is the traditional college preparatory, tech-prep or career preparatory program.

Our academic planning guides have been redesigned and divided into two documents: MISD Advising and Planning Guide and the MISD Secondary Course Catalog.

The Advising and Planning Guides address Personal Graduation planning, Graduation requirements, Academic Regulations, Program Opportunities, Advanced Academics, Credit Recovery, Acceleration Options, LEAP Academy and more.  This document answers most frequently asked questions and helps provides students with information regarding GPA, required credits, and graduation.

The Secondary Course Catalog houses the course names, course descriptions, and general course information. This guide includes Middle and High school courses.  Course sequences are also shown in this catalog.

MISD 2025-26 Secondary Advising and Planning Guide

MISD 2025-26 Secondary Course Catalog

2024-25 High School Academic Planning Guide

2024-25 Middle School Academic Planning Guide