MISD TIA Designations
House Bill 3 (HB 3) established the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) to recognize effective teachers at three distinct levels: Master, Exemplary, and Recognized. These teacher designations generate additional teacher-focused allotment funding for districts to reward and retain their most effective teachers.
- Master Teacher
Master level teacher designation indicates that the identified teacher has achieved a level of teacher appraisal and student growth performance that places them in a level commensurate with the top 5% of teachers statewide.
- Exemplary Teacher
Exemplary level teacher designation indicates that the identified teacher has achieved a level of teacher appraisal and student growth performance that places them in a level commensurate with the top 20% of teachers statewide.
- Recognized Teacher
Recognized level teacher designation indicates that the identified teacher has achieved a level of teacher appraisal and student growth performance that places them in a level commensurate with the top 33% of teachers statewide. The Recognized Designation can be earned through the Local Teacher Designation System or through National Board Certification.
The designation system in Midlothian ISD includes the following components:
- Teacher Observation based on T-TESS:
Teachers in the TIA Eligibility Band will receive a full evaluation, including a formal observation. The results of the End of Year conference in domains 2 and 3 will be used to fulfill this component
- Student Growth Measures:
In 2022-2023, the growth measures used will be MAP growth measures grades 2+ and MCLASS Amplify for K-1. Teachers in the eligibility band will administer the corresponding Amplify, MAP Reading, MAP Math, and/or MAP Science to all their students. If a teacher has students who take multiple assessments, all growth scores will be used in the factoring of the designation components.