Midlothian Independent School District


McKinney-Vento Homeless Education

Midlothian Independent School District assists students experiencing homelessness to enroll in school and have access to academic supplies and services to participate and attend school daily. We are committed to ensuring that barriers are removed so that all students experiencing homelessness have the opportunity for academic success.

Who We Serve:

  • Homeless students
  • Students living in temporary homes due to economic hardship (shelters, hotels, RVs, etc.)
  • Students living with family members or friends (doubled-up) due to economic hardship or loss of housing
  • Unaccompanied youth

Services Provided:

  • School enrollment assistance
  • School transportation assistance
  • Free lunch program
  • School supplies

Students experiencing homelessness have certain legal rights that may affect registration and transfer procedures.  MISD addresses issues related to enrollment and assists schools with homeless students’ needs.

What is the definition of a homeless child?

According to federal law (McKinney-Vento Sec. 725), and the TEA state plan for homeless children and youth, children/youth who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence are considered homeless.  This includes children and youth who sleep at night:

  • In a shelter (including runaway youth shelters and domestic violence shelters),
  • In a shelter awaiting institutionalization, adoption, foster care, or other placement,
  • In a car, tent,  abandoned building, or other place, public or private, not ordinarily used as a normal sleeping accommodation for human beings,
  • In a motel, hotel, trailer parks, or camping grounds, bus or train stations,
  • In someone else’s home, due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason,
  • In transitional, temporary housing (i.e., rent paid by local service providers),
  • Migrant students who qualify as homeless because they are living in circumstances described above.

What is the definition of an unaccompanied child?

According to federal law (McKinney-Vento Sec. 725), an unaccompanied child is a child who is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.  Homeless unaccompanied youth have the same rights as other homeless students, including the rights to enroll in, attend, and succeed in school.

For assistance with enrolling, visit the Homeless Liaison at the campus in your attendance zone.