Midlothian Independent School District


Teen Parenting Program

Midlothian ISD offers Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) support, including Compensatory Education Home Instruction (CEHI) for eligible students during the pregnancy and postpartum periods. The program is designed to assist both male and female students in becoming excellent parents while also meeting graduation requirements and setting college and career goals.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Wendy Hein, Director of Health Services by emailing wendy.hein@midlothianisd.org or calling (469) 856-5013.

Compensatory Education Home Instruction

CEHI provides academic services to the student at home or hospital bedside when a valid medical necessity for confinement during the pregnancy, prenatal or postpartum periods that prevent the student from attending classes on a district campus. CEHI must consist of face-to-face contact with a certified teacher of the district.

Visit the Texas Education Agency-Pregnancy Related Services webpage for more information on Pregnancy-Related Services.

Who is Eligible for Services?

Any student who is currently enrolled in MISD and is expecting a child or is parenting. Only the female student is eligible for CEHI. Students must voluntarily agree to participate and must have a signed consent form from their parent/guardian.

Student Support Services

Student support services may include:

  • counseling services, including the initial session when the student discloses the pregnancy
  • health services, including services from the school nurse and certified athletic trainer
  • transportation for the student, the student’s child(ren), or both to school, child care facility, community service agencies, health services, etc.
  • instruction (inside or outside the classroom) related to parenting knowledge and skills, including child development, home and family living, and appropriate job readiness training
  • child care for the student’s child(ren)
  • schedule modifications (see 9.16 Quality Control)
  • case management and service coordination (assistance in obtaining services from government agencies and community service organizations)

*Services are provided on the student’s home campus and remain eligible for services until they graduate from high school.


Students can be referred by a staff member, such as a Counselor, School RN, Teacher, or Principal. Parents of a teen parent can make a referral. Students can also be self-referred. Visit this page to make a referral.


MISD Consent Form

Waxahachie WIC Office
110 Amanda Lane
Waxahachie, TX 75165
(972) 937-4777

Prenatal Information – Text4Baby https://www.text4baby.org/