Enrollment and Registration FAQ
Thank you for choosing Midlothian ISD! Registrars enjoy a brief summer break and are off contract from early June through July 15.
MISD will resume processing student registration and enrollment submissions in the order they are received when registrars return in mid-July. In the meantime, we invite you to view our most frequently asked questions below. This information may help answer your questions.
Skyward Family Access
- I have my parent username and have reset my password. Where do I go to log in to Family Access?
- I have forgotten my user name. How do I get it?
- When trying to reset my password, I get a message that says "If a user account was associated with this username or email address, an email outlining steps to reset your password has been sent," but I have not received an email.
- I received the email with my username, but it will not let me reset my password because the link is invalid/expired.
I have my parent username and have reset my password. Where do I go to log in to Family Access?
I have forgotten my user name. How do I get it?
When trying to reset my password, I get a message that says "If a user account was associated with this username or email address, an email outlining steps to reset your password has been sent," but I have not received an email.
I received the email with my username, but it will not let me reset my password because the link is invalid/expired.
New Student Enrollment and Returning Student Registration
- How will I know my information has been submitted correctly?
- I have submitted the registration forms successfully, what's next?
- I submitted forms for my student, but now I do not see the tile at all. Did my form go through?
- My Enrollment or Registration was denied. What should I do?
- What are the Pre-Kindergarten eligibility requirements?
- I have moved. How do I change my address?
- I need to register my returning student, but I only see the "Enrollment" tile in Skyward Family Access. How do I complete Registration?