Midlothian Independent School District


Special Olympics

Vision of Special Olympics

It is our vision to become the premier provider of Special Olympics training and competition in the world. We approach each endeavor with a single intent - to improve the quality of life for our athletes. The challenges of the future are embraced with enthusiasm and commitment, ensuring that the changing face and needs of our athletes are met.

Mission of Special Olympics

The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.

Benefits of Participation

There are many benefits to participating as an athlete with Special Olympics Texas:

  • Physical exercise positively impacts health, mood and anxiety.
  • Emphasis on sports training helps athletes maintain a healthy weight.
  • Athletes participate in activities that enhance their self-esteem and help them see that they can achieve goals that they set for themselves.
  • Athletes have many opportunities to make new friends and socialize in an environment that is accepting and encouraging.
  • Travel opportunities allow athletes to gain life experiences and skills that will positively impact all areas of their lives.


To compete in Special Olympics, a person must be at least eight years old. Children at the age of six may begin a training program, but are not able to compete until the age of eight. A person must also be identified by an agency or professional as having one of the following:

  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Closely related developmental disability, which means having functional limitations in both general learning and in adaptive skills such as recreation, work, independent living, self direction, or self care.


To enroll, complete an Athlete Enrollment/Medical Release Form and submit it to Nick Smith.


Volunteers are the lifeline of the Special Olympics program. These volunteers serve as coaches, officials, committee members, competition assistants, speech coaches and much more. There are more than 4,051 volunteer coaches involved in the program. Learn more information here. 


  • Midlothian ISD allows the CBI programs to participate in Special Olympics during the school day. MISD participates in 2 Special Olympic sports at this time, Bowling and Basketball Skills. 
  • Midlothian ISD provides transportation for all CBI classes to practice and events. 
  • Athletes MUST COMPLETE a medical found in the Get Involved tab. 

After School
Midlothian Special Olympics offers team sports that practices after regular school hours.
Current sports are Basketball, Soccer, and Softball. New sports will be added with increased interest.

Transportation must be provided by the family. MISD does not cover transportation for after school Special Olympics programs.

Age Requirements

  • Age 6- Start Training
  • Age 8- Start Participating in Area Events
  • Age 12- Can Participate in State Competitions

For more information about Special Olympics visit www.sotx.org

This program is possible solely through volunteer help. Parents and supporters are highly encouraged to volunteer to keep this program growing. For more information contact Nick Smith at nicholas.smith@misd.gs.