Midlothian Independent School District



I am new to Midlothian, and my child was identified as being gifted in another state or in another district in Texas. Is he/she automatically placed into your gifted program?

Transfer students identified as gifted and talented in another district prior to enrolling in Midlothian ISD may be considered for gifted and talented. MISD will request G/T records, which includes assessment data, from the sending district. Once records are received, the records will be reviewed to determine if qualifying data from the sending district aligns with Midlothian ISD’s criteria. If the transfer data is insufficient, Midlothian ISD will assess the student with consent from the parent/legal guardian. Final determination of a student’s need for gifted and talented services is made by a committee of district educators who have had specific, required GT training. Assessment results and placement decisions will be communicated to parents/legal guardians in writing along with the opportunity to schedule a conference to discuss assessment data. A decision will be made regarding qualification within 30 school calendar days of the receipt of the student’s G/T records from the previous district. 

What documentation do I need to provide if my child was served in a gifted program in another district?

It is always helpful for parents to share GT testing documentation with the campus counselor. The counselor and district GT specialist will verify that your child was served in a gifted program before proceeding with any assessments. National, state, and district testing information, report cards that show gifted placement, and letters of acceptance into a gifted program can expedite the screening process.

Does my child have to re-qualify as he or she moves from elementary school to middle school?

No. Students do not have to re-qualify for GT services when they move from elementary school to middle school or from middle school to high school within MISD. Once a student is identified as qualifying for GT services, then he or she will continue to be identified as GT. Sometimes as gifted students get older, they select advanced courses that best suit their academic needs, talents, interests, and future academic plans.

How are elementary gifted students served?

Gifted learners on the elementary campuses are served in cluster classrooms with a teacher trained in gifted and talented education, as well as by a pull-out GT Teacher. All MISD teachers have their 30 hour GT training. These teachers work to individualize differentiated curriculum, instruction, and assessment for the students when it is appropriate or deemed necessary.