Midlothian Independent School District


Apply Online

During October 2024, Midlothian ISD is transitioning to a new online application system, TXED Job Network. Applicants are welcome to begin applying within the new system.

TXED Job Network

Professional Applicants

Applicants who are interested in a teaching or other professional position must include the following documents with their online application:                                       

  • Current resume                                      
  • Copy of valid teaching certification
  • Copy of transcripts from all universities and colleges attended (upon offer of employment, an official hard copy of your college transcripts must be sent to Human Resource Department)
  • Undergraduates: Letter of intent and/or letter of completion (if applicable)
  • Letter of acceptance in an alternative certification program (if applicable)

Classified Applicants                                             

Paraprofessional, auxiliary and hourly positions: Business Office (non-certified), Central Administration (non-certified), Clerical/Secretarial, Custodial, Head Start/Child Care, Human Resources (non-certified), Maintenance, Technology (non-certified) and Transportation

Applicants who are interested in one of the listed positions must include the following documents with online application:

  • Current resume
  • Proof of Education – Transcripts showing highest level attained in college or high school; copy of GED if appropriate.
  • Certifications held that pertain to the position (If applicable)  


Title IX Non-Discrimination Statement

In accordance with Title IX, the district does not discriminate on the basis of sex and is required not to discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs or activities. The requirement not to discriminate extends to employment. Inquiries about the application of Title IX may be referred to the district’s Title IX coordinator, to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of Education, or both.

Inquiries about the application of Title IX to employment should be referred to Gaya Jefferson, Executive Director of Human Resources at gaya.jefferson@midlothianisd.org.

TXED Job Network is your dedicated job search platform tailored for K-12 education professionals.

Simplifying the search and application process, TXED Job Network connects you with jobs across North Texas. This hiring platform features AI capabilities to speed up the application process, personalize your profile, and align your skillset with relevant opportunities. From teaching positions to administrative and support roles, discover your next career step with ease.

For assistance, please email txedjobnetwork@region10.org or call the Help Desk at (972) 348.1086.