Midlothian Independent School District


2016 Growth Management Committee

Community Committee Members
Lee Allen Scott Cotton Dale McCaskill Tim Tobey
Cathy Altman Jan Davis Mike McFarlane Jeremy Trojacek
Larry Barnett Jerry Ellis Matt McKay Shauna Van Geem
Paula Baucum Andrea Farris James Ramsey Andrea Walton
Mindy Bell  Bobby Frizzell Sandy Rice Jessica Ward
Mary Blohm Brad Golden Danny Rodgers Kim Wiens
Denise Brown Bill Houston Wayne Shuffield Wanda Wilkerson
Bill Burdett Ron King Scott Slaydon Jennifer Wilson
Ken Caldwell Kim LaGrand Bobby Soto Misty Wilson 
Jerry Caves Geri Larson Kristen Sutton  


District Committee members
Lane Ledbetter Superintendent of Schools
Judy Walling Deputy Superintendent
KayLynn Day Assist. Superintendent HR & Student Services
Ashley Stewart Assist. Superintendent of Leadership & Innovation
Teresa Thomas Assist. Superintendent of Finance & Operations
Steve Keasler Athletic Director
Kirk Paschall Executive Director of Technology
Melissa Wolfe Executive Director of Specialized Learning
David Boswell Director of Construction Projects
Al Hemmle Midlothian High School Principal
Krista Tipton Heritage High School Principal 
Coy Tipton  Frank Seale Middle School Principal 
Brian Blackwell Walnut Grove Middle School Principal
Harper Stewart T.E. Baxter Elementary Principal
Shannon Thompson J.R. Irvin Elementary Principal 
Kyle Chambers J.A. Vitovsky Elementary Principal 
Karena Blackwell  Longbranch Elementary Principal
Beth Van Amburgh LaRue Miller Elementary Principal
Karen Childers Mt. Peak Elementary Principal
Courtney Carpenter McClatchey Elementary Principal 
Contracted Service Providers  
Consultant committee members
Leesa Vardeman VLK Architects
Brent Alexander School District Strategies, Inc
Bill Gumbert BOSC, Inc