Midlothian Independent School District


Trustees set to adopt budget at June meeting

Trustees set to adopt budget at June meeting

The Midlothian ISD Board of Trustees held its fourth and final budget workshop on June 3. Trustees are preparing to adopt the 2024-25 Fiscal Year General Operating Budget at their June 17 regular meeting, which includes a public hearing to discuss a proposed tax rate and budget.

The proposed budget projects a 1.5% growth in enrollment. Proposed budget expenditures include the board’s approval of a 3% general pay increase for teachers and librarians and an average 1% increase for all other positions. Trustees approved the compensation increase last month. It also includes funding to increase the number of School Resource Officers (SRO) to provide at least one full-time SRO at each campus and two at each high school. This initiative is in partnership with the City of Midlothian.

During the workshop, trustees approved another round of early bond debt payments, which will save approximately $21 million in bond interest. This is in addition to the $15 million saved last year through early payments.

The district has worked diligently throughout the budget planning process to identify cost savings and reduce budget expenditures. Cost-saving strategies include addressing inflation and revenue reductions that impact the budget. 

Budget workshops have included discussions about strategies and available options to address budget challenges, including a voter-approved tax rate election, or VATRE. Asking Midlothian ISD taxpayers to consider allowing the district to access three golden pennies for the general operating budget would generate $2.3 million in additional state funding and $2.4 million in local taxes for a total increase of $4.8 million. Trustees have until August to make that decision. 

The total proposed tax rate is $1.1069, with a maintenance and operation rate of $0.6969 and an interest and sinking rate of $0.41. The rate does include a 3-cent decrease in the debt service budget that pays off bonds. The decrease would offset adding three golden pennies to the operating budget and would result in no change to the total tax rate for taxpayers if a VATRE is called and the three golden pennies are approved by voters.