Midlothian Independent School District


Best Elementary Schools rankings include 5 MISD schools

Best Elementary Schools rankings include 5 MISD schools

Five Midlothian ISD elementary schools have earned the U.S. News & World Report 2025 Best Elementary School ranking. Congratulations to the students, parents and staff of LaRue Miller, J.R. Irvin, Mt Peak, McClatchey and Longbranch elementary schools for being named among the Best Elementary Schools. This designation means these schools are among the Top 40% of elementary and middle school campuses in the state of Texas. Longbranch Elementary stands out even further, ranking 435 out of 6,607 elementary and middle schools statewide.

These five schools join both Midlothian Heritage High School and Midlothian High School as recipients of the Best Schools ranking. Both MISD high schools earned the 2024 ranking.The 2025 high school ranking will be released later this spring.

The U.S. News & World Report includes more than 79,000 public schools that are ranked at the state and district level. The 2025 Best Elementary and Best Middle Schools rankings are based on publicly available data from the U.S. Department of Education. The rankings methodology focused on state assessments of students who were proficient or above proficient in mathematics and reading/language arts, while accounting for student background and achievement in core subjects. Student-teacher ratios are applied to break ties in the overall score.