District Info
The mission of Midlothian ISD is to educate students by empowering them to maximize their potential.
Inspiring excellence today to change the world tomorrow.
We believe that safe, engaging, rigorous, and diverse learning environments provide the best opportunity for students to reach their fullest potential.
We believe a high quality staff with appropriate resources is essential to creating educational experiences that promote student success.
We believe that effective communication, purposeful collaboration, and strong partnerships create an atmosphere of trust and a strong sense of community vital to student achievement.
Balanced scorecard 2022 - 2026
The following four priorities, and subsequent goals, were adopted by the MISD Board of Trustees in 2022.
Priority 1: Student Success
1.1 Multiple Pathways for All Students To Belong
1.2 All Students Exhibit Yearly Growth in Core Areas
1.3 Continuous Improvement of Curriculum, Professional Development, and the Art and Science of Teaching
Priority 2: Capacity Building and Effective Leadership
2.1 Recruit and Retain High-potential Talent
2.2 Systematic Management of Individual Talent
2.3 Development of a High-performing Organizational System
Priority 3: Culture, Climate and Safety
3.1 Commit to MISD Cultural Tenets in a Way that Ensures Staff and Student Well-being
3.2 Strive to Be a Listening and Learning Organization Aligned with Stakeholder Engagement
Priority 4: District Operations and Financial Stewardship
4.1 Systematic Long-range Facility Management
4.2 Effective and Efficient Cross-departmental Work Processes
4.3 Commitment to Financial Stewardship
District/campus Improvement plans
The most recent versions of these annual Improvement Plans are below for public view.
District Improvement Plan:
MISD District Improvement Plan (DIP)
Campus Improvement Plans (CIPs) for each campus are linked below.
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The Midlothian Community
Midlothian is a fast growing city in northwest Ellis County, Texas with a population of more than 31,500. The city is 25 miles (40 km) southwest of Dallas. It is the hub for the cement industry in North Texas, as it is the home to three separate cement production facilities, as well as a steel mill. Midlothian Independent School District (MISD) includes two high schools, a CTE center, three middle schools, and eight elementary schools. MISD covers an area of approximately 112 square miles.